FESSAP will hold a zoom meeting on November 16, 2021 (Tuesday) from 14:00H to 16:00H. This will be through an invitation to the following concerned parties from the Federation of School Sports Association of the Philippines (FESSAP)as follows:
- Student-Athletes Union (SAU);
- FESSAP Different Club Members; and
- University Registered Members.
[This is a program commenced by the FESSAP Executive Committee
to our members exclusively]
Guest Speaker: Atty. Maria Luz Arzaga-Mendoza
Host: Mr. Red Dumuk
Planner: Miss Ma. Cecilia Sarmiento; Mr. JC Clarito
Mr. Joseph A. Sy; Miss Almira Ramos-Clarito
Atty. Maria Luz Arzaga-Mendoza
Member, FISU Legal Committee
Member, FESSAP Executive Committee
Topics on Generation Restoration on Legal Procedural Concept:
How to Deal with these Circumstances?
- Memorandum of Agreement; Contract (Player/Consultant)
- Sexual Harassment/Sports Manipulation
Presented by Mr. Graham C. Lim