AUSF President and the Secretary General, Dr. Zhang Xinsheng of China and Kenny Chow of Hong Kong, respectively, announced during the General Assembly attended by more than 30 Asian countries of different National University Sports Federation (NUSF) that FESSAP as family member of AUSF is the official NUSF that is also affiliated with the International University Sports Federation (FISU).
The FESSAP who represented the Philippines in the AUSF General Assembly were Mr. Baldomero C. Estenzo as first delegate with Atty. Maria Luz Arzaga-Mendoza as second delegate who represented FESSAP President David Ong as his special assistant.
At the same time, Atty. Arzaga-Mendoza immediately thanks the AUSF Executive Committee for the support extended to FESSAP in affirming the recognition that will bring FESSAP the right to send university students to the Asian University Championship its’ organized and also all FISU sanctioned championship.
On the other hand, Mr. Estenzo of the FESSAP accredited Cebu School Athletic Foundation Inc. (CESAFI) and Dean of Law of the University of Cebu (UC) who was so elated for attending the General Assembly with first-hand information over the final decision of AUSF Executive Committee addressed during the General Assembly on the affirmation of FESSAP’s recognition stated “he will work for more FESSAP participation and getting more involved in the AUSF as active member.
Mr. Estenzo continued that if maybe Cebu City can be a possible venue of the AUSF activities, like cycling, beach volleyball, golf, weightlifting or table tennis.
AUSF President Dr. Zhang has also announced the AUSF Education and Training Center being sponsored by the Beijing Sports University, will give more students to take part in the development of future leadership where FESSAP can participate directly for the youth scholarship program activities for students, teachers, sports officials, school directors.
Also present in the AUSF General Assembly as observers were FESSAP Secretary General Graham C. Lim and Leo Luis Palacio-Mendoza who attended the event to give moral support for the Philippines’ representatives and its many future activities of FESSAP in good working relationship with AUSF as well as FISU activities as a whole.
The 28th Summer Universiade in Gwangju, South Korea, was one of the main topics during the AUSF General Assembly where vital regulations regarding has been discussed for the Philippine participation in 10 different sports, Lim said.
代表菲律賓出席AUSF大會的是作為第一位代表的巴爾多梅羅埃斯珍素(Baldomero C. Estenzo),與第二位代表的瑪麗亞·盧斯亞斯剎牙敏多薩律師(Atty. Maria Luz Arzaga-Mendoza),她代表FESSAP會長王家煙出席大會。
另一方面,獲FESSAP認可的宿務學校體育基金會有限公司(CESAFI) 和宿務大學(UC)法學院院長埃斯珍素,於AUSF執行委員會在大會期間最終決定承認FESSAP的大會第一手資訊後興高采烈地表示,作為AUSF的積極成員,他將努力促使FESSAP參與更多有關活動。
FESSAP秘書長林剛陵和利奧·路易士·帕拉西奧門多薩(Leo Luis Palacio-Mendoza) 也作為觀察員出席AUSF大會,給予菲律賓代表大力支持,以及促進FESSAP與AUSF的良好工作關係,和許多FISU的未來活動。
林剛陵說, AUSF 大會期間的主要議題之一是在韓國光州舉行的第28屆世界大學生夏季運動會,其中對菲律賓的參加十個比賽項目進行了重要的討論。